As part of the transformation journey, it is critical for organizations to understand their current digital maturity and target state. We help clients consider where they are and want to be.
The Challenge in Change
Successful digital transformation means more than acquiring more technology or data.
Maybe you’ve performed a data deep dive or dipped into artificial intelligence. Maybe you’ve invested in tech startups or run pilots. Maybe you don’t know what digital transformation success looks like for your organization — or how to achieve it.
Digital transformation is all about focusing on how to increase value by leveraging technology and data. This means prioritizing, implementing, and sustaining a range of digital initiatives across your business supported by governance, change management, and communications.
Understanding where you are — and where you want to be
As part of the transformation journey, it’s critical to understand where you are and where you want to be.
Level 1: Inconsistent and inefficient
Level 2: Reliable and efficient
Level 3. Integrated and insightful
Level 4: Forward-looking and progressive