Novartis and SustainAbility presented a webinar on March 12th, the third of a series of conversations about the results and outcomes of Novartis’ 2017 Corporate Responsibility Materiality Assessment.
This webinar focused on the measurement & evaluation (M&E) of social outcomes of new business models and healthcare systems. The webinar also explored how Novartis M&E work enables dialogue with relevant stakeholders about successes and failures in advancing access to medicine – one of the company’s most material issue clusters.
Prof. Richard Laing, Co-Principal Investigator of the evaluation of Novartis Access from the Boston University School of Public Health, joined us and set the scene. He embedded the Novartis M&E work into the global context and explored what it will take to strengthen M&E to better understand the materiality of corporate interventions.
This third full materiality assessment for Novartis plays an important role in strengthening the integration of CR in Novartis’ core business. The objectives of the materiality assessment were to:
- Further align strategies with societal expectations, business needs and market developments;
- Intensify dialogue with key stakeholders on a systematic basis;
- Structure and prioritise Novartis’ corporate reporting
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