For the past decade, the push for transparency and responsible sourcing of steel in the supply chain has been pushed by policymakers, investors, and NGO’s.
Companies in recent years have pledged to be more open about how they are sourcing their materials. The need for more carbon-friendly products creates increasing pressures on the upstream supply of materials across the entire value chain.
Mining companies and traders are currently reflecting on their future as the new ‘green steel’ ecosystem meets society’s everyday needs – not only now but into the future. Critical to both the mining and steel sector is the need to drive a green economy that aims to reduce environmental and social risk and ecological scarcity; helping to drive and maintain a sustainable future.
During this session in our Sustainable Steel Value Chain Webinar Series, we will aim to explore the following:
- Why is sustainable and responsible sourcing important for business?
- How is the upstream segment of the market across mining and metals adapting to pressure?
- What is driving tactical partnerships between the mining and steel industry?
- The future of coal and the role that it plays in the future production of steel.
Please contact Magda Fimmano at with any questions in regards to this webinar series.