Chin has 25 years Environmental Health & Safety and Sustainability consulting experience. Her experience is focused on sustainability consulting, sustainability reporting, materiality assessment, ESG due diligence, bench marking, peer-review, gap analysis besides brownfield remediation, wastewater treatment plant design and large environmental programme management.
Chin has accomplished major oil and gas downstream environmental services programmes for major petroleum and petrochemical companies covering countries in Malaysia, Thailand, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Pakistan.
ERM will be sponsoring and speaking at the Petrochemical Sustainability Conference 2022, between 13th-14th September at the Kuala Lampur Convention Centre.
The Conference will be a platform for petrochemical producers, consumers, academic institutes, policy makers, non-profit organisations, and other stakeholders for discussions on the progression of petrochemicals companies, and how the petrochemical value chain can support global net-zero ambitions. The end goal is to be able to support the general climate aspirations for Malaysia and the region.