Join ERM to learn more about the benefits of having a certified energy management system and hear from a major North Sea energy operator about how being certified contributes to their Net Zero goals.
Join ERM to learn more about the benefits of having a certified energy management system and hear from a major North Sea energy operator about how being certified contributes to their Net Zero goals.
Formalised energy management drives an operational focus on implementing a raft of energy saving measures, including the introduction of extensive optimisation plans. Using certification to formalise energy saving processes not only drives a focus on efficiency, but fosters a strong culture across all employees.
During this webinar, ERM experts will share insights into what Net Zero means for organisations and the role ISO 50001 plays in this ambition. Total, the first major UK offshore energy company to be ISO 50001 certified, will share their experience of getting certificated and the benefits it continues to have on their business. There will also be an interactive Q&A session to ask our speakers about energy management, gaining certification and how they fit into Net Zero goals.
This webinar is complimentary and will be conducted in English. Once registered, you will receive an email from Zoom with joining instructions and the option to add the event to your calendar.