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Photo credit: Quyen Nguyen, Vietnam

For 50 years, ERM has worked with clients who have helped deliver access to energy around the world. Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, including access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, is an important priority for our company.

ERM recognizes our client base includes companies in energy-intensive sectors that play an important role in socio-economic development at a global, regional and local level. We know our most significant impact is through the work we do with our clients, and we are engaging them through a sector-based approach as the pathway to net-zero and a low carbon economy looks very different from sector to sector.

ERM not only develops strategies and road maps for clients, we support our clients on delivering and operationalizing low carbon economy pathways that are scientifically robust, commercially viable and technically practicable – and that meet the needs of today’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) investors.

We are also engaging other key stakeholders, including our industry partners, on the complex and important questions of ERM’s role in the transformation that is required across business and society to deliver a net-zero future.

In recent years, the company has made significant additional investment in building capability and capacity to support client needs in the transition to decarbonize. Since 2020, our public target demonstrates this commitment, with details of our work on the transition shared in this Sustainability Report.