Photo credit: Kritika Gautam, India
ERM utilizes suppliers and subcontractors who exhibit high levels of safety awareness, ethical behavior and quality of performance.
Key supplier and subcontractor attributes include:
- Incorporating safe practices in all commercial decisions;
- Exhibiting a high level of integrity at all times and in all dealings;
- Outstanding quality of work; and
- Cost savings innovation.
To manage suppliers and subcontractors, we track and evaluate data using third-party supplier-relationship management software, our own Active Leadership Audit Program audits and subcontractor qualification assessments.
In FY21, ERM implemented our new Supplier Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, effective as of December 2020. The Supplier Code was developed with internal stakeholder review and by examining the supplier codes of clients. The Supplier Code updates and supplements our supply chain management system. Specifically, the Supplier Code consolidates updates on key international terms such as anti-bribery and corruption, human rights (including prohibitions for all forms of modern slavery) and our health and safety contractual requirements. Our standard form subcontractor agreements and supplier-relationship management system requirements were all updated with the Supplier Code as part of its implementation. Learn more about ERM’s global requirements for suppliers and subcontractors.
In addition to our work with clients, ERM is committed to implementing sustainable practices across our business operations – including the management of environmental, social and economic impacts within our supply chain. Download ERM's Sustainable Procurement Policy.
The global shift towards greater environmental, social and governance responsibility demands measured, quantifiable performance data from our supply chain."
Tom Stahr
SUBS Program Manager, ERM