Days away from work case (DAWC) rate FY17 – FY 19¹ ²
1 Days away from work cases (DAWC) is the number of days away from work multiplied by 200,000 (with 200,000 hours equivalent to 100 employees working a 40-hour week for 50 weeks of the year) and divided by the total number of hours worked by all employees.
2 Days away from work cases (DAWC) rate tracks any work-related injuries or illness that results in the injured/ill worker being unable to work for 1 or more days following the event. ERM tracks this metrics for our sustainability targets and goals.
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) FY17 – FY19¹ ²
1 This data includes ERM employees only.
2 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is the number of recordable injuries and illnesses multiplied by 200,000 (with 200,000 hours equivalent to 100 employees working a 40-hour week for 50 weeks of the year) and divided by the total number of hours worked by all employees.
Severity rate FY17 – FY19¹ ² ³
Severity rate by region
FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | |
Europe, Middle East and Africa | 2.02 | 5.65 | 3.84 |
Asia Pacific | 0.86 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Latin America and Caribbean | 3.71 | 1.82 | 1.86 |
North America | 21.86 | 0.11 | 5.58 |
Global Businesses | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Group | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total | 10.62 | 1.45 | 3.49 |
1 This data includes ERM employees only.
2 Severity rate is the total number of days away from work and restricted-duty days multiplied by 200,000 (with 200,000 hours equivalent to 100 employees working a 40-hour week for 50 weeks of the year) and divided by the total number of hours worked by all employees.
3 Severity rates can vary due to number of hours worked, and the severity rate can be highly influenced by a single work-related injury or illness.
Number of recordable incidents FY17–19¹
1 This data includes ERM employees only
Recordable incidents by type FY19
Number of recordable incidents by type
FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | |
Caught¹ | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Exertion² | 4 | 3 | 1 |
Exposure³ | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Hit⁴ | 3 | 6 | 5 |
Security/Violence⁵ | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Slips, trips & falls⁶ | 5 | 3 | 6 |
Total | 16 | 15 | 17 |
1 Includes caught on, in or under.
2 Includes ergonomic (office or field) and fatigue.
3 Includes chemical and environmental exposures.
4 Includes hit by and against.
5 Includes aggression/threats towards personnel.
6 Slips, trips & falls includes falls on stairs, falls to lower levels, falls from height, falls on same level, and slip/trip from stairs.
Subcontractors injury and illness FY17 – FY19 ¹
FY17 | FY18 | FY19 | |
Recordable injuries | 9 | 6 | 8 |
Non-recordable injury/illness incidents | 38 | 42 | 35 |
Near miss | 50 | 45 | 53 |
1 This data includes subcontractor workers only. A subcontractor for ERM provides services on an ERM project ultimately for an ERM-external client. This includes lower-tier subcontractors.